Title I/Learning Assistance Program (LAP)

The Title I/LAP Program is an important partner in achieving Arlington School District's mission:  Arlington Public Schools educates all students, preparing and inspiring them to graduation and seek their full potential as lifelong learners. 

The purpose and goals of the federal Title I Program and the state Learning Assistance Program (LAP) are essentially the same. Both programs seek to improve the educational opportunities of students who are academically at-risk for mastering the material set forth within the state content standards. Both programs provide supplemental instruction; in effect, a "double dose" of instruction in the student's area of greatest need (reading or math). Overall, the rules governing Title I are more stringent than those for LAP. 

For additional information regarding Title I resources in our state, click here to access the OSPI (Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction) Title I/LAP website for Washington State. To file a citizen complaint against a school district, educational service district or OSPI, visit the OSPI website for documents (available in several languages) Title I Schools include Eagle Creek Elementary and Kent Prairie Elementary Schools. 

LAP schools include Eagle Creek Elementary, Kent Prairie Elementary, Pioneer Elementary and President Elementary Schools.

Karl Olson
Director of Categorical Programs
[email protected]

Heather Demers
Grants Coordinator
[email protected]